User Registration - Chartwell A Family Oasis

Please fill out this form to become a registered user.

When registering multiple kids of one family, register as a parent and you will be able to add the children into that account. This means one (1) account per family. This avoids multiple account confusions. Thank you

* indicates a required field.
Login Information
Both must be at least 6 characters long. We recommend including numbers and uppercase letters as well.

*Desired Login 6-15 Characters
*Confirm Password
Profile Information
*First Name *Last Name
*City *State
*Zip *Primary Phone
Work Phone Secondary Phone
Secondary Email
Birthdate Gender
*How Did You Find Us?
Email Reminders (You will only receive email reminders for your scheduled events)

(If you are under 18 years old please enter you parent/guardian's name)
Registration Waiver
Click here to view Registration Waiver
* I have read and agree to the Registration Waiver
Marketing Waiver
Click here to view Marketing Waiver
Yes, I give permission to this facility to use my child's photo for marketing purposes.
No, I don't give permission to this facility to use my child's photo for marketing purposes.